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JANUARY - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the Calendar.MONTH field indicating the first month of the year in the Gregorian and Julian calendars.
java.io - package java.io
java.lang - package java.lang
java.lang.annotation - package java.lang.annotation
java.lang.ref - package java.lang.ref
java.lang.reflect - package java.lang.reflect
java.security - package java.security
java.util - package java.util
join() - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Waits for this thread to die.
join(long) - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Waits at most millis milliseconds for this thread to die.
join(long, int) - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Waits at most millis milliseconds plus nanos nanoseconds for this thread to die.
JULY - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the Calendar.MONTH field indicating the seventh month of the year in the Gregorian and Julian calendars.
JUNE - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the Calendar.MONTH field indicating the sixth month of the year in the Gregorian and Julian calendars.