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hashCode() - Method in class ej.numeric.ComplexDouble
Returns a hash code for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class ej.numeric.ComplexFloat
Returns a hash code for this object.
hasMore() - Method in class ej.numeric.range.ListRange
hasMore() - Method in interface ej.numeric.range.Range
Returns true, if more indices are available.
hasMore() - Method in class ej.numeric.range.StepRange
hessenberg(FloatMatrix) - Static method in class ej.numeric.linear.Factorization
The Hessenberg decomposition is `p * h * p' = a' where `p' is a square unitary matrix (`p' * p = I', using complex-conjugate transposition) and `h' is upper Hessenberg (`i >= j+1 => h (i, j) = 0').
hessenberg(DoubleMatrix) - Static method in class ej.numeric.linear.Factorization
The Hessenberg decomposition is `p * h * p' = a' where `p' is a square unitary matrix (`p' * p = I', using complex-conjugate transposition) and `h' is upper Hessenberg (`i >= j+1 => h (i, j) = 0').
hessenberg(ComplexFloatMatrix) - Static method in class ej.numeric.linear.Factorization
The Hessenberg decomposition is `p * h * p' = a' where `p' is a square unitary matrix (`p' * p = I', using complex-conjugate transposition) and `h' is upper Hessenberg (`i >= j+1 => h (i, j) = 0').
hessenberg(ComplexDoubleMatrix) - Static method in class ej.numeric.linear.Factorization
The Hessenberg decomposition is `p * h * p' = a' where `p' is a square unitary matrix (`p' * p = I', using complex-conjugate transposition) and `h' is upper Hessenberg (`i >= j+1 => h (i, j) = 0').